The OceanParcels project develops Parcels (Probably A Really Computationally Efficient Lagrangian Simulator), a set of Python classes and methods to create customisable particle tracking simulations using output from Ocean Circulation models. Parcels can be used to track passive and active particulates such as water, plankton, plastic and fish.
The code from the OceanParcels project is licensed under an open source MIT license and can be downloaded from or installed via
The manuscript detailing this first release of Parcels, version 0.9, has been published in Geoscientific Model Development and can be cited as:
The manuscript detailing version 2.0 of Parcels is available at Geoscientific Model Development and can be cited as:
The manuscript detailing the performance of Parcels is available at Computers and Geosciences and can be cited as:
Euler Forward
schemes. See
diffusion tutorial.
A notebook to plot bathymetry with continental contoured-geometries. The used colour map is ''. Created by Claudio Pierard.
A notebook to animate particles with their vanishing trails over past timesteps in an unsteady doublegyre fluid. The background shows the absolute velocity magnitude. Created by Christian Kehl.
A notebook animating particles with a tidally-influenced flow field, animated with continental contoured-geometries using cartopy. Created by Laura Navarro Gomez.
A notebook animating data on a rotating Earth using cartopy. Created by Peter Nooteboom.
Parcels development has been supported by the following organisations: